Here are Six Reasons to sign up for the 1 day PowerUp Business building workshop!

  1. Lead the charge on high payoff initiatives
  2. Keep everyone in your organisation aligned – and accountable
  3. Create customer loyalty that makes price irrelevant
  4. Fuel growth with smart cashflow management
  5. Create time with better operating systems
  6. Build real market value and serious stakeholder wealth

Power Principles to Gain Control of Your Business and Your Time!

Imagine if you could learn from a man who has built an international franchise in over 39 countries in less than 11 years?
What if you could learn how to build a $565 million business in 9 years?

Two giants of the business world have combined to bring you a business education program that you have never experienced before. The 1-Day Power Up Program will real give you Real Education, by Real Business People, who have achieved Real Results.

  • Have you heard of Harvey Norman?
  • Have you heard of Gloria Jean's Coffees?
  • Have you ever wanted to know how they were successful? What were the tips and strategies that grew their businesses into household names that you see today? Not from some experts who read about these businesses but from the people who actually built these business.

Here is what you will learn at the Power Up Program

  • Rapidly increase your profits through low cost marketing strategies.
  • The key drivers that will rapidly improve the cash flow of your business.
  • Systemise your business to support and sustain growth.
  • Development of human resource systems for recruiting, training, and motivating the right employee.
  • Earn $10,000s or even $100,000s in profit through only a 30 minute meeting.
  • How to overcome all the obstacles in your business life by having a winners mindset.
  • Learn powerful sales techniques that will close more sales and increase your average transaction.
  • Learn powerful sales techniques that will close more sales and increase your average transaction.
  • How to syndicate your website content easily around the web and build traffic to your website using article websites and content portals.
  • How to design your website from the ground up to maximise customer conversion rates and get your customers coming back for more using newsletters and subscriber features.
  • How to develop a website landing page that incorporates a strong call to action and encourages immediate response from your prospects.
  • How to optimise content on your website for specific keywords by creating relevant keyword rich text.

Testimonials from our last course

Next Event


1.5 Day Program
Includes Workbook

$247 AUD

Who Should Attend the Power Up Program?

No matter what stage your business is at you will instantly benefit from the Power Up Program;

  1. Want to start a business but don't know how – The Power Up Program is for You.
  2. You are in the early stages of business and you are burning a lot of cash – The Power Up Program is for You.
  3. Your business has gone through the infancy stage and now you want to build a profitable enterprise without you doing the day-to-day stuff – The Power Up Program is for You.
  4. You are a manager in company that seems to need new ideas and new ways of growing fast – The Power Up Program is for You
  5. Sales and profits have been eaten away by your competition and now you want to grow your business rapidly – The Power Up Program is for You.

The Power Up Program Schedule

Because the Power Up Program has been developed to cover all areas of the business from infancy to expansion, this schedule is jam packed with so much practical information. Plus this program promises that you can implement the strategies into you business immediately!

Read below to see the full Power Up Program schedule.

Power Up Program





8.30 am 30 mins Registration  
9.00 am 5 mins Welcome and Introdution Tony Gattari
9.05 am 10 mins Profit Diagnostics Tony Gattari
9.15 am 40 mins Principles of Achievement Tony Gattari
9.55 am 40 mins A Vision for the Future Tony Gattari
10.35 am 10 mins Activation Q&A  
10.40 am 15 mins Morning Tea  
10.55 am 40 mins Show me the Money Tony Gattari
11.35 am 40 mins Systemising for Success Tony Gattari
12.15 pm 40 mins Building a Championship Team Tony Gattari
12.55 pm 10 mins Activation Q&A  
1.00 pm 45 mins Lunch  
1.45 pm 40 mins Awesome Customer Service Tony Gattari
2.25 pm 40 mins Marketing Success Tony Gattari
3.05 pm 10 mins Activation Q&A  
3.15 pm 15 mins Afternoon Tea  
3.30 pm 40 mins Sales Success Tony Gattari
4.10 pm 40 mins Business Success in 90 days Tony Gattari
4.50 pm 10 mins Activation Q&A  
5.00 pm   Finish  

Your Business Educators

Tony Gattari

Tony was General Manager for Harvey Norman Computer and Communications Division where he oversaw the growth of the division from $12 million to $565 million in 9 years.

Tony has been the Managing Director of a public listed company and also been CEO of a successful technology company.

Tony is the author of 'Business Success'.

Tony is also the co-author of The Pillars of Business Success, Marketing Success and is a contributor for Secrets of Top Sales Professionals Exposed and Secrets of Marketing Experts Exposed.

Next Event


9.00am to 5.00pm
Full Day Program
Includes Workbook

$247 AUD

(lunch not included)
Call (02) 9440 2488 today or email [email protected].

What have others said about Power Up?

Following these principals achieves great results."

Sandy Mackenzie – Evans Publishing

All small business owners will benefit from this workshop."

David Young – Managing Director – Never Late Electrical

You have given me the tools and unlocked my own skills to stop the leaks and grow incredibly. Thank you."

Tanya Newman – Bennetts Steel

This presentation gives me the power of thought and knowledge, even the power to make improved change in my life, my career and the business I manage."

Coralie Weekes – Settlement City Pharmacy

Shows you realistic approaches to achieving business goals."

Marc Hunter

Great energy, great mix of presenters and out of the square information."

Bob Knuckley – Director – Moisture Cure Pty Ltd

I Have been to many seminars and workshops but consider this one of the most enlightening and inspiring."

Tom Mcilvern – Amac Alarms Pty Ltd

No hype or spin, just applicable and challenging information."

David Gray – Solutioneers Pty Ltd

Inspirational and motivating."

Tracy Dignum

Outstanding use of scarce time . It was good to get of the treadmill and go through the planning process with these excellent speakers."

John Parer – Midcoast Care

Great tools and information strategies to improving sales and marketing at low cost implementation."

Alyson Lane – CEO – Dynamic HRM Solutions

Good realistic and applicable advice that can transfer to any business."

Sloan Box – 545 WebDesigns

I didn't know how much I didn't know."

Nathan Branch

The basic principles are easy to apply and something everyone should know."

Louise Beaumont – Focus Magazine

I Have just started a business and have read the emyth book, very challenging. What I needed was application, this course allowed me to provoke into activating material and consider the risks in business."

Soloman Tafai

Taken me from a tired overworked owner to a renewed attitude reminding that the passion is still there."

Sue Balmer – Director – Beantopia Pty Ltd

Gives some very very practical examples of business improvement. Its great to be recharged and re-enthused."

Guy Middlebrook - Director - Advantage Accountants

Committed to take action, clarified need to finalise and implement my goals and delete outside my area of niche area of business."

Kevin Young - Ceo - Global Young

Key insights and directional informational given challenge to implement."

Rob Kearnes

They are the push in the back that I needed . Motivated to make the business soar."

Peggy Hughes

There is always something to learn from people who have done it before."

Mandy Smith – Owner – Kew Hotel

I have been struggling with focus in my career but this workshop has reinvigorated my desire and passion for what I do. I am looking forward to going back to work and implementing new ideas."

Christina Mitchell – Quality Inn HW Boutique

I realise how important that customer service is, how to read people and work out their needs."

Kerran Murphy – Director Riverview Tavern

I have taken four things which when implemented will make my business different and better."

Larry Williams – General Manager – Fusion Food Service

An entertaining, insightful and informative workshop. I had many ah-ha moments and blinding flashes of the obvious that I can implement in my business for instant results."

Di Dunlop

Eye opening and very informational."

David Currey

Given me motivation to get my business started and how to go about it."

Regina Evans

Well presented, relevant, realistic and enthusiastic presentation by proven achievers."

Phil Denoven – TMS Tools and Machinery Sales

If you want two guys to tell you straight, Peter and Tony will do that, no sugar coating, the truth. Stay focused to build the best business and watch it grow."

Doug Webber – Director – Webbers Retravision

The information was amazing and easy to understand. The presentation was entertaining and made a huge impact on our business."

Jodie Brooks – Franchisee – Gloria Jeans-Bundaberg

Can't wait to test out the stuff."

Michael Mcphee – Innovative Tiling

Powerful fast moving whilst being clear and concise- can't wait to start transforming my business, thank you."

Heather Boon – Act Management

Thank you for restarting the fire-inspiring us to refire."

Robert Driver – Director

An amazing seminar communicated in a way that will assist and grow any business or aspect of life."

Daniel Baldry – Citicoast Church

It has invigorated me to make a change for the better, to think outside the box."

Luke Mills – Dixon Homes

Life and business changing – starting from today new ideas , new systems, new incentive, new beginning."

Doug Webber – Webbers Retravision

The Power Up workshop was a great success, we've received very positive feedback from the attendees, we believe that this program will help us greatly in establishing ourselves as an organisation that is at the forefront of assisting businessmen in our community. I would like to thank both Peter and Tony for a great presentation."

Abdullah Aksu – Managing Director – NU Solutions

A must attend workshop, which will help you to create a vision, set your goals. It will wake the sleeping businessman in you."

Edral Ozkaya – Director CEO training

Excellent, I've been to several seminars organised by Tony Gattari and again I have learnt many new things, which just like before will be great help for our business."

Bill – Internetwork Solutions

Were in the transition of changing our business name, the seminar has inspired me to utilise the marketing terms and methods. Tony and Peter have laid it all out, verbally, visually and spoken."

Suat Kiran – Star car parts

Opened my eyes to a lot of areas that I need to address in my business."

Angela Halkiotis – Owner Garment Solutions

In one day I have been given a lifetime of ideas and inspiration, Thanks."

David Boundy – Westpac Bank

The Seminar has helped me to be more focused I appreciated the level and amount of practical advice."

Mark Williams – Mark Williams Architects

Emphasis on working on the business, the in depth view enabled me to review our areas of weaknesses so we can address them."

Lizz Robb – Managing Partner – Yellowhouse

I had the pleasure to be at one of his workshops. Insightful, funny and practical sales and marketing knowledge. Cannot wait to see his next presentation at Liverpool Chamber (NSW) end of October. Disclaimer: I am a Director of Liverpool Chamber. However, I cannot speak more highly about Tony. Own several of his books as well."

Daniel Doherty - Liverpool Chamber (NSW)

Excellent information."

Julie Hall – Usana Health Services

Very comprehensive, relevant and down to earth."

Dan Jackson – Director Calm Consulting

Makes me believe I can conquer my dream."

Robert Harder – Impact Homes

Fantastic tools to be implemented, eye opening and encouraging."

Kelli Taiatini

Very enlightening."

Shireen – Partner South East Smash repairs

It has brought clarity."

Justin McIntyre

You have inspired us."

Shane and Nina Roberts

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